Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The earth's relief


1. Describe and define the main forms of the earth's continental and underwater relief.
2. Explain the theories of continental drift and plate tectonics.
3. Explain the formation of folds and faults, pointing out the differences.
4. Explain what volcanos and earthquakes are, where and why they occur more frequently.
5. List the main ersosive agents.
6. Describe the erosion caused by rivers, taking into account that the course of a river is divided up into 
    low, middle and high courses.
7. Recognise and locate the main forms of the Earth's relief.
8. Read topographic maps

Click here to find the definition of Relief -

What is the difference between an underwater relief and a continental relief ? (p.22,23)
Find our here. (video)

Task 1: What is the reliefe of Ecuador ?
Task 2: What is the reliefe of Quito ?
Investigate with the Internet :)

How deep is the lowest point of earth ? How far is it to the highest point ?
Find out here

Do you think the earth's relief has always been the same ?

Click here to find out.

1. What happened in South-Asia in December 2004 ? Can you describe  this natural event ?
Find out here.

2. What happened in your own Country Ecuador in 1999 ?
Click here to find out

Why do volcanos errupt ? What are the causes ?

What is a continental drift and what are plate tectonics ?
Find out here

Have some fun in between :)
Click here to learn about the tectonic plates. How many are there ?